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Are you tired of struggling to create temporary tables inside a procedure in Pgadmin 4 (Postgres) version 8.4? Do you want to learn how to return the temp table to the called program with ease? Look no further! In this article, we’ll take you by the hand and guide you through the process of creating and managing temporary tables inside a procedure, and show you how to return the temp table to the called program.

The Basics of Temporary Tables in Postgres

In Postgres, temporary tables are a great way to store temporary data that is only needed for a short period of time. They are deleted automatically at the end of the session or transaction. There are two types of temporary tables in Postgres:

  • Temporary tables**: These are created using the CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE statement and are deleted at the end of the session.
  • Temporary views**: These are created using the CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW statement and are deleted at the end of the transaction.

Creating a Temporary Table Inside a Procedure in Pgadmin 4

To create a temporary table inside a procedure in Pgadmin 4, you’ll need to use the CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE statement. Here’s an example:

        name VARCHAR(50),
        email VARCHAR(100)
    -- do something with the temp table
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

In the above example, we create a temporary table called temp_table with three columns: id, name, and email. We then use the RETURNS VOID statement to indicate that the function returns no value.

Returning the Temp Table to the Called Program

To return the temp table to the called program, you’ll need to use the RETURN QUERY statement. Here’s an updated example:

RETURNS SETOF temp_table AS $$
        name VARCHAR(50),
        email VARCHAR(100)
    -- do something with the temp table
    RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM temp_table;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

In the above example, we use the RETURNS SETOF temp_table statement to indicate that the function returns a set of rows from the temp_table table. We then use the RETURN QUERY statement to return the contents of the temp table to the called program.

Example Usage

Here’s an example of how you can call the myprocedure function and retrieve the temp table:

SELECT * FROM myprocedure();

This will return the contents of the temp table to the called program.

Best Practices for Using Temporary Tables in Procedures

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when using temporary tables in procedures:

  1. Use meaningful names**: Use meaningful names for your temporary tables to avoid confusion and make your code easier to read.
  2. Keep it simple**: Keep your temporary tables simple and focused on a specific task. Avoid creating complex temp tables with many columns or relationships.
  3. Use transactions**: Use transactions to ensure that your temp table is deleted automatically at the end of the transaction.
  4. Avoid using temp tables in loops**: Avoid using temp tables in loops, as this can lead to performance issues and slow down your procedure.
  5. Test your procedure**: Test your procedure thoroughly to ensure that it works as expected and that the temp table is returned correctly to the called program.

Common Issues with Temporary Tables in Procedures

Here are some common issues you may encounter when using temporary tables in procedures:

Issue Solution
Error: “relation ‘temp_table’ does not exist” Make sure you create the temp table before trying to use it.
Error: “cannot access temporary tables of other sessions” Make sure you are creating the temp table in the same session as the procedure.
Error: “relation ‘temp_table’ already exists” Make sure you drop the temp table before recreating it.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to create a temporary table inside a procedure in Pgadmin 4 (Postgres) version 8.4 and return the temp table to the called program. We’ve also covered best practices for using temporary tables in procedures and common issues you may encounter. By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to create and manage temporary tables with ease and avoid common pitfalls.

Remember to always test your procedures thoroughly and use meaningful names for your temporary tables. With practice and patience, you’ll become a master of creating and managing temporary tables in procedures!


Here are some frequently asked questions about temporary tables in procedures:

  • Q: Can I use temporary tables in triggers?

    A: Yes, you can use temporary tables in triggers, but be careful to follow the same rules as for procedures.

  • Q: Can I use temporary tables in views?

    A: No, you cannot use temporary tables in views, as views are simply a shortcut for a SELECT statement.

  • Q: Can I use temporary tables in functions?

    A: Yes, you can use temporary tables in functions, but be careful to follow the same rules as for procedures.

We hope this article has been helpful in guiding you through the process of creating and managing temporary tables in procedures. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unravel the mysteries of temp tables in Pgadmin 4 (Postgres) version 8.4!

Q1: How do I create a temp table inside a procedure in Pgadmin 4 (Postgres) version 8.4?

To create a temp table inside a procedure, simply use the `CREATE TEMP TABLE` statement. For example: `CREATE TEMP TABLE my_temp_table AS SELECT * FROM my_table;`. This will create a temporary table that exists only for the duration of the current session.

Q2: Can I return the temp table to the calling program in Pgadmin 4 (Postgres) version 8.4?

Yes, you can return the temp table to the calling program by using the `OUT` parameter. For example: `CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION my_function() RETURNS SETOF my_temp_table AS $$ DECLARE my_rec my_temp_table; BEGIN … FOR my_rec IN SELECT * FROM my_temp_table LOOP RETURN NEXT my_rec; END LOOP; RETURN; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;`. This will allow the calling program to access the temp table.

Q3: How do I ensure the temp table is dropped automatically after the procedure is finished in Pgadmin 4 (Postgres) version 8.4?

Temp tables are automatically dropped at the end of the session. However, if you want to ensure it’s dropped immediately after the procedure is finished, you can use the `DROP TABLE` statement at the end of the procedure. For example: `DROP TABLE my_temp_table;`. This will remove the temp table from the database.

Q4: Can I use the temp table as an output parameter in Pgadmin 4 (Postgres) version 8.4?

Unfortunately, no. Temp tables cannot be used as output parameters in Pgadmin 4 (Postgres) version 8.4. You’ll need to use the `OUT` parameter with a specific data type, such as `SETOF my_temp_table`, to return the temp table to the calling program.

Q5: Are there any limitations to using temp tables inside a procedure in Pgadmin 4 (Postgres) version 8.4?

Yes, there are some limitations. Temp tables are only accessible within the current session and are dropped automatically at the end of the session. Additionally, temp tables cannot be used as input parameters or as part of a view or materialized view.

I hope these questions and answers help you master the art of temp tables in Pgadmin 4 (Postgres) version 8.4!