Solving the “Unexpected state in beforeSpecHandler: uninitialized” Error in Cypress
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Solving the “Unexpected state in beforeSpecHandler: uninitialized” Error in Cypress

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Are you tired of dealing with the frustrating “Unexpected state in beforeSpecHandler: uninitialized” error when running your `.feature` file through the terminal in Cypress? You’re not alone! This error can be a real showstopper, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the causes of this error and provide you with clear, step-by-step instructions to resolve it.

What is the “Unexpected state in beforeSpecHandler: uninitialized” Error?

The “Unexpected state in beforeSpecHandler: uninitialized” error typically occurs when Cypress is unable to initialize the browser or encounters an issue during the beforeSpecHandler phase. This phase is responsible for setting up the test environment, including launching the browser and navigating to the specified URL.

Causes of the Error

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s take a closer look at some common causes of this error:

  • Incorrect configuration: Cypress configuration files may be incorrect or missing essential settings.
  • Browser issues: The browser may be outdated, corrupted, or not properly installed.
  • Dependency conflicts: Conflicting dependencies or outdated packages may be causing issues.
  • File system permissions: Insufficient permissions to access or write to the file system.

Resolving the “Unexpected state in beforeSpecHandler: uninitialized” Error

Now that we’ve covered the causes, let’s move on to the solutions! Follow these steps to resolve the error and get your Cypress tests up and running:

Step 1: Check Cypress Configuration

First, make sure your Cypress configuration files are correct and up-to-date. Check the following files:

  • cypress/support/index.js
  • cypress/config.js (or cypress.json)

Verify that these files contain the necessary settings and imports. If you’re using a custom configuration, ensure it’s properly exported.

// cypress/support/index.js
import './commands'

// cypress/config.js (or cypress.json)
export default {
  "chromeWebSecurity": false,
  "video": false,
  "viewportWidth": 1920,
  "viewportHeight": 1080

Step 2: Update Cypress and Browser

Ensure you’re running the latest version of Cypress and the browser. Run the following commands:

npm install cypress@latest
npx cypress verify

Update your browser to the latest version. If you’re using Chrome, make sure it’s updated to the latest stable release.

Step 3: Resolve Dependency Conflicts

Check for conflicting dependencies or outdated packages. Run the following command to identify potential issues:

npm ls

Review the output to identify any deprecated or conflicting packages. Update or remove them as necessary.

Step 4: Check File System Permissions

Verify that you have sufficient permissions to access and write to the file system. Run the following command to check permissions:

ls -ld $(npm root -g)

If you encounter permission issues, try running the command with elevated privileges:

sudo npm install -g cypress

Step 5: Clear Cypress Cache

Sometimes, clearing the Cypress cache can resolve the issue. Run the following command:

npx cypress cache clear

Step 6: Verify Browser Launch

Verify that the browser is launching correctly. Run the following command:

npx cypress run --config browser=chrome

If the browser fails to launch, check the browser logs for errors.

Step 7: Re-run Your Tests

Finally, re-run your tests using the following command:

npx cypress run

If you’ve followed these steps correctly, your tests should now run successfully, and the “Unexpected state in beforeSpecHandler: uninitialized” error should be resolved.

Common Scenarios and Solutions

In this section, we’ll cover some common scenarios that may arise and provide targeted solutions:

Scenario 1: Error occurs when running a specific test

If the error occurs when running a specific test, try isolating the issue by running the test in isolation:

npx cypress run --spec "path/to/specfile.js"

Review the test code and ensure it’s correctly written and configured.

Scenario 2: Error occurs when running all tests

If the error occurs when running all tests, try resetting the Cypress cache and re-running the tests:

npx cypress cache clear
npx cypress run

If the issue persists, review your configuration files and dependencies to identify potential conflicts.

Scenario 3: Error occurs on a CI/CD pipeline

If the error occurs on a CI/CD pipeline, ensure that the pipeline has the necessary dependencies and configuration files. Verify that the pipeline is running with the correct permissions and access to the file system.


The “Unexpected state in beforeSpecHandler: uninitialized” error can be frustrating, but it’s often caused by simple configuration issues or outdated dependencies. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve the error and get your Cypress tests up and running. Remember to regularly update your Cypress version, check for dependency conflicts, and verify file system permissions to avoid similar issues in the future.

Cause Solution
Incorrect configuration Verify Cypress configuration files and settings
Browser issues Update browser to the latest version
Dependency conflicts Check for conflicting dependencies and update/outdated packages
File system permissions Verify sufficient permissions to access and write to the file system

By following these steps and understanding the common causes of the “Unexpected state in beforeSpecHandler: uninitialized” error, you’ll be well-equipped to resolve the issue and ensure your Cypress tests run smoothly. Happy testing!

Frequently Asked Question

If you’re stuck with the frustrating “Unexpected state in beforeSpecHandler: uninitialized” error while running your `.feature` file through the terminal in Cypress, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

What causes the “Unexpected state in beforeSpecHandler: uninitialized” error in Cypress?

This error usually occurs when Cypress is not able to properly initialize the test environment. This can happen due to various reasons such as incorrect configuration, incompatible plugins, or even a simple typo in the code!

How can I troubleshoot the “Unexpected state in beforeSpecHandler: uninitialized” error in Cypress?

To troubleshoot this error, try to isolate the issue by running a single test file or a single spec. You can also try to reset Cypress by deleting the `cypress` folder and running `npx cypress verify` to re-initialize the test environment.

Is the “Unexpected state in beforeSpecHandler: uninitialized” error specific to `.feature` files in Cypress?

No, this error is not specific to `.feature` files. It can occur with any type of test file in Cypress, including JavaScript and TypeScript files. The error is related to the initialization of the Cypress test environment, which can be affected by various factors.

Can I avoid the “Unexpected state in beforeSpecHandler: uninitialized” error by using a specific Cypress version?

While using a specific Cypress version might help, it’s not a guaranteed solution. The error can occur in any version of Cypress, and it’s usually related to the project configuration or environment rather than the Cypress version itself.

How can I get more information about the “Unexpected state in beforeSpecHandler: uninitialized” error in Cypress?

To get more information about the error, you can try running Cypress with the `–verbose` flag, which can provide more detailed error messages. You can also check the Cypress documentation and issue tracker for similar issues and solutions.